The following function takes in a number of bytes and the number of decimal places required in the output and returns the result in a readable format:
function readable_filesize($bytes, $dp = 1) {
// Extensions used
$extensions = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB');
foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
// If we can't divide again without getting < 1
if ($bytes < 1024) {
return number_format($bytes, $dp).$ext;
$bytes /= 1024;
// If we're here, we're at the end of the extensions array
// thus return what we have
return $bytes.$ext;
// Extensions used
$extensions = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB');
foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
// If we can't divide again without getting < 1
if ($bytes < 1024) {
return number_format($bytes, $dp).$ext;
$bytes /= 1024;
// If we're here, we're at the end of the extensions array
// thus return what we have
return $bytes.$ext;
Use like this:
echo readable_filesize(123456);